Are You an ECOpreneur?From an enterprising individual operating a small retail business to an inventor who comes up with a better way to fuel our vehicles, from the founder of a non-profit organization to the organic grower who feeds our local community, just about anyone can be an ecopreneur. Are you one?
- Are you more interested in what you do and with whom you work than how much you make?
- Does community, environmental and social issues drive what you focus on with respect to your livelihood or volunteer time?
- Do you view your experiences, growing and diverse knowledge base and unique skills sets as the primary value you can offer clients, customers or workplace?
- Do you think the late Nobel Laureate economist Milton Friedman ate too many Big Macs after he argued -- much to the chagrin of the massive multinational corporations and millionaire politicians -- that "the only social responsibility of business is to make profits"?
- Do you focus your life pursuits on helping others or restoring, enhancing or preserving the environment?
- Are you more concerned about achieving balance in your life, seeking quality of life that doesn't adversely impact the Earth or exploit people?
- Do you readily try new ideas, explore new ways of doing things or adopt new practices or use new products or services that reflect your values?
- Are you mindfully aware of your direct and indirect impacts on life on Earth, and accept responsibility that results in you being actively engaged as a steward of limited resources for the benefit of all life, not just for the present generations but for future generations as well?
- Is work a reflection of your passions and values, deeply fulfilling and providing meaning and purpose, or merely only the focus for paying the bills, building personal wealth and funding your retirement?
Everyone can follow their dreams. Everyone has them. No more specialized training is needed than what you've already experienced up to now. A change of perspective, a new approach to money and wealth and the necessary hard-thinking work of pruning your passions and forming your Earth Mission, your life purpose and business plan are the necessary ingredients.
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