Location: Inn Serendipity Bed & Breakfast (and farmstead), Browntown, Wisconsin
Commissioned: December, 1998 (shift to wood for heating home/business)
Model and Manufacturer: Lopi Endeavor, by Travis Industries
System Design: The Lopi Endeavor woodstove is among the cleanest burning large stoves ever tested, in part because of their design, use of fire brick (which helps the firebox burn at higher temperatures) and baffles which insure that the gases are burned in the combustion chamber. The five-sided convection combustion chamber, or firebox, circulates oxygen needed for combustion around the stove and pushes the warm air back into the room. The stove is one part of the whole system which also includes the chimney and other design considerations (like wall clearances and fire-resistent flooring beneath the stove).
Type of System:Independently rated as America's No.1 Woodstove, our Lopi Endeavor offers the cleanest non-catalytic burn, high efficiency and uses a renewable resource, wood (biomass), to help us heat our home during the chilly winter months.
Estimated Annual Operating Cost: About $40 - $60/year, either for a borrowed pick-up truck and/or for payment of $15/pick-up truck load of scrap wood at Deppler's Wood Mill in Monroe. We check and/or clean the chimney every year.
Project Designers (chimney): Adrian Albrecht, SnowBelt Fireplace & Stove, 1200A Wildwood Dr., Stevens Point WI 54481, tel: 715-341-4328; fax 715-341-4573. Ask for Adrian Albrecht or e-mail him at albrecht1@charter.net.
Renewable Energy Systems Dealer: Purchased at the silent auction held at the Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fair to benefit the Midwest Renewable Energy Association.
System Installer: Paul Urban, Urban Renewal, Monroe, Wisconsin
Use of Woodstove: As primary source of heat during cold weather months.
Ecological Impacts: The new woodstove models have up to 75 percent fewer emissions according to the E.P.A. which implemented woodstove standards in 1990. The key to burning wood is burning all the gases that the wood releases which are not only dangerous if left unburned, but contain over 50 percent of the available energy. The gases burn only at temperatures in excess of 1,100-degrees Fahrenheit, which can rarely be achieved other than through modern airtight woodstoves. According to the Midwest Renewable Energy Association, the cycle of burning of wood and regrowth of trees produces no net increase in carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. We make sure our tree planting efforts replace the equivalent number of trees that we end up burning.
Eco-nomics (Cost of Lopi Endeavor Woodstove for Heat):
Site Integration: Integration of woodstove to help meet energy needs of diversified small-scale organic farming operation and home-based small business.
Farmstead Overview and Self-guided Booklet: Print out the 20 page booklet, The Good Life Guide: A self-guided tour of Inn Serendipity & the renewable energy systems that make it possible for a more detailed overview of the systems employed on the farm.
Demonstration Grant Funding Support: Portions of this website and related Good Life Guide: A self-guided tour of Inn Serendipity & the renewable energy systems that make it possible were made possible, in part, through funding provided by the Wisconsin Focus on Energy Program.