In 2001, we completed contracts and initiated land conservation efforts to restore the health, promote greater diversified ecological balance, and foster wildlife on the property.
As a USDA-registered farm, a portion of the lowland area previously used by area dairy farmers to grow corn or other feed crops had severly degraded the land, especially adjacent to the stream. Regular springtime flooding and washouts resulted in soil loss and erosion. Also, since the property was selectively logged by the previous owner, our concern over the health of the forest led us to the development of a forest/timber management plan for the woods with an eye toward silviculture, the sustainable management of forests.
As a part of the sustainable management plan developed for the property and in close partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources forester as well as the USDA NRCS, an ecologically-mindful selective harvest was completed as a part of the forestry plan and with the guidance of the Kickapoo Woods Cooperative, of which we're also cooperative members. We also implemented Timber Stand Improvement (TSI) on a portion of the harvested area. Our conservation initiatives were accepted into various conservation programs as outlined below.
The three significant land conservation undertakings are as follows:
To support this mission, the property is now officially enrolled into the Landowner Registry Program of the Mississippi Valley Conservancy (MVC), a local land trust working in six counties in southwestern Wisconsin. The MVC's Registry Program recognizes owners of land with sensitive species, wildlife habitat, open space, or where active habitat restoration taking place. Landowners enter into a voluntary, "handshake" agreement with the MVC to conserve and steward the land. The Registry can be an introductory step for landowners in the process of permanently protecting their land. Wildlife conservation efforts addressing bluebirds, wood ducks and other native, cavity-nesting bird species as well as species using wetland, grass and forest habitat are underway.
Realizing that all development, preservation and conservation issues are best managed and planned for on a local level, we're supporting the Valley Stewardship Network (VSN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the beauty of the rural landscape in the Kickapoo Valley area and promoting a balanced, healthy ecosystem, maintained in harmony with and by viable, locally-controlled communities.
To help restore the land, subsidize wildlife conservation efforts, and support area conservation initiatives and non-profit organizations, 10% of the rental fees are set aside for such purposes.
While the many conservation efforts are being undertaken, the 30-acre property is remaining a private wildlife sanctuary.
For reservations, call or write to:
Inn Serendipity B & B
7843 County P
Browntown WI 53522
Tel: 608-329-7056
E-mail: info (at) innserendipity (dot) com